건축설계 Ⅵ / Architectural Design Ⅵ
이전의 디자인 스튜디오에서 배우고 익힌 설계지식을 종합하여 시공을 전제로 한 디자인으로 완성하는 단계이다. 건축 관련 분야인 토목, 구조, 기계설비, 전기설비 등의 기술지식을 고려하고 피난과 안전설계, 무장애설계, 에너지 절약 등의 법적인 기준과 실무적 내용을 반영하여 통합적인 실시설계 도서를 작성하는 능력을 배양한다.
The main theme is to produce construction drawings considering building systems. Students shall combine all their knowledge to complete their designs from previous studios. This process requires integrated resolutions of space and function, barrier-free design, energy conservation, evacuation and safety. The course outlines technical plans with related systems such as civil engineering, structural engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, fire safety, evacuation, disaster prevention, security and sewage disposal. Students will acquire basic knowledge on finish materials of the interior and the exterior, as well as details of windows and doors. Furthermore, students will learn to draw blueprints conforming to the standards.